An act of conciliation following an act of escalated aggression (e.g. Pushing, Tusking) between two elephants, often members of a family. Conciliation may also include acts of appeasement and be observed prior to an aggressive act. Conciliatory behavior typically includes Trunk-to-Mouth or Trunk-to-Genitals and may be initiated either by the aggressor, if he or she has done something “unkind” or by the transgressor, who may be doing something to annoy another, e.g. stealing or begging for food.
In some cases the reconciling elephant is a third party, typically the matriarch or a close adult associate of the aggrieved individual. In such instances the reconciling elephant approaches those in conflict from the side and, while standing head-to-head, and while Rumbling, Head-Raising and Ear-Lifting, may reach Trunk-to-Mouth or Trunk-to-Genitals towards one or both of the conflicting elephants.
References: Poole & Granli 2003; Poole & Granli 2011 [Reconciliation]. (Full reference list)
This behavioral constellation includes the following behaviors: Ear-Lifting, Head-Raising, Trunk-to-Genitals, Trunk-to-Mouth and occurs in the following context(s): Affiliative, Social Play