
A male elephant with an erection pursuing a female at a fast walk or shuffling run. As he Runs-After the estrous female Walks-Away or Runs-Away, often emitting an Estrous-Roar.

References: Poole 1982: 108-109, 174-175; Moss 1983; Poole 1989b; Poole 1996; Kahl & Armstrong, 2000; Poole & Granli 2003; Poole & Granli 2011. (Full reference list)

This behavioral constellation includes the following behaviors: Estrous-Roar, Penis-Erection, Roar, Run-After, Run-Away, Tail-Raising, Walking, Walk-Toward, Walk-Away and occurs in the following context(s): Courtship


Context: Courtship (1)

Jolie in estrus is Chased by Conor who Runs-After her with a Penis-Erection. She Runs-Away with Tail-Raised and as he catches up with her she gives two Estrous-Roars. She is very far away so these are barely audible.

During the Chase we also hear excited family members Rumbling and Trumpeting. As Conor Reaches-Over her we see her calf in the foreground looking alarmed and unsure where to run. She runs first one way and then after hearing the second Roar she runs back the other way - presumably having heard her mother's voice. Conor Mounts her. Jolie does not Stand-to-Mate and Conor is unsuccessful and the Chase continues. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Courtship (2)

This seems to be Ozora in estrus who has reappeared in the same group as Jolie who is also in estrus. Ozora is being Chased by medium male Titus who Runs-After her with a Penis-Erection. She Runs-Away with Tail-Raised.

The audio is poor but we hear members of her family making a commotion. She runs out from the swamp edge grassland onto the plains, where another male is closing in on her also with a Penis-Erection. He attempts to Mount her, but then Liaqat appears. He dismounts and Retreats-From Liaqat. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Courtship (3)

Ozora is being Chased again by four medium sized males after an unsuccessful Mounting by one of them. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Courtship (4)

An estrous female (circled) is Chased by several males. One Reaches-Over her back with his trunk and has a Penis-Erection. None are successful at stopping her and the Chase stops. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Courtship (5)

An estrous female is Chased by six males. The largest male is immediately behind her. His running is hampered by his Penis-Erection which is flapping back and forth hitting his legs and we can see him running with his legs wider apart.

He attempts to Reach-Over her, but is unable to catch her. As he nears her she gives an Estrous-Roar and continues running. He slows and a younger male takes over. As she circles back other males intervene; the Chase is abandoned and all slow to a walk. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Courtship (6)

An estrous female is Chased by a couple of males. A young male is immediately behind her and is Reaching-Over her back as they run towards our car. She does not stop for him. We hear a deep Rumbling waoo-waoo-waoo as he Chases her.

This Rumbling we have always assumed was the female, yet it is similar to a lost calf when it is separated and running to look for its family. It could be the calf, but the depth of the Rumbling suggests it is the estrous female. As the young male is almost able to stop her she gives two Estrous-Roars. A larger male enters the scene from the right and the younger male abandons his effort. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Courtship (7)

An estrous female is being Chased by males. She happens to run through the middle of a family that is not her own. One of the females begins to Run-After the estrous female along with the males. The estrous female Ear-Folds and Runs-After the females in the other family.

Everyone gets extremely excited Rumbling and Trumpeting and Floppy-Running. A couple of the males lose track of who they were Chasing and Run-After the wrong female! The family Floppy-Runs Trumpeting off into the distance. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Courtship (8)

Amparo is Chased by Esau and other males. Esau tries Reaching-Over but she keeps running. She Tail-Swats to monitor how close Esau is. We hear her family Rumbling and trumpeting in excitement in the background. Then we hear her emit a series of Estrous-Running-Rumbles and two Estrous-Roars as she is caught and Mounted by Esau. It appears to be a successful Mating and we hear the start of a Mating-Pandemonium. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Courtship (9)

Amparo is Chased by Pascal and 4 other males including Esau who Mated with her the day before. Miranda who is at the end of her estrus is running with the males to keep up with Pascal whom she is still following. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Courtship (10)

Nastya has been surrounded by up to 17 males. She has been Guarded by a large adult male as well as Pascal - who is a bit on again off again with her. Judging by his behavior he thinks she is not quite at her peak. Meanwhile other younger males are competing for her.

In this clip she gets separated from Pascal by a young male who Chases after her with an erection. He is diverted by another medium sized male. By the time we are able to catch up with them a young male has Mounted her. He is scared off by the large male hwho was Guarding Nastya prior to Pascal's arrival. Meanwhile Pascal follows slowly with Nastya's family, still not convinced she is at peak estrus. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Courtship (11)

Nastya has been surrounded by up to 17 males. She has been Guarded by a large adult male as well as Pascal - who is a bit on again off again with her. Judging by his behavior he thinks she is not quite at her peak. Meanwhile other younger males are competing for her.

In this clip has just been mated twice by younger males and Pascal came over to check her out. Once again he has rejected her. As soon as he departs a young male separates her from the others and the Chase is on again. Three other males join the chase with the last one being her original Guarding male. By the time we catch up to them he has Mated with her. Meanwhile Pascal just Listens from a distance. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Courtship (12)

Nastya is still in estrus and surrounded by a lot of males. As this clip begins she is discovered by Esau. Being the largest his arrival upsets the order of things. Nastya begins to move and the male who was in charge has been sidelined by Esau and suddenly she is up for grabs. A young male leads the Chase first at a walk and then at a run. He finally manages to get close enough for a Reach-Over and she gives an Estrous-Roar. He still pursues her and then we can see him try to Mount her. Being young he is inexperienced and rather inept. He tries to grab her with his legs and she gives another Estrous-Roar. He fails to Mount her properly and falls off. We can see semen coming from his full Penis-Erection. By now Esau is finally catching up and the males give up. (Amboseli, Kenya)