
A mutual entwining of trunks. Trunk-Twining occurs in Social Play as a gentle contact form of Sparring, during which two elephants slowly and sinuously intertwine their trunks in a spiral. Trunk-Twining also occurs during Coalition Building and Affiliative contexts during High-Fiving and in a range of Bonding-Ceremonies between adult females, where the action can be more sudden and dramatic. In some cases the intertwining of trunks can be more like a sudden clasping of another’s trunk.

References: Moss 1981; Poole 1982: 35; Lee 1987; Moss 1988; Kahl & Armstrong 2000; Payne 2003; Poole & Granli 2003; Poole & Granli 2004; Poole & Granli 2011. (Full reference list)

This behavior occurs in the following context(s): Affiliative, Coalition Building, Social Play


Context: Social Play (1)

Adult males gm0016 and gm0049 are Sparring and are seen to engage in following behaviors: Trunk-Twining, Trunk-to-Mouth, Allo-Check-Tusk (both to the other several times), Touch-Self, Touch-Trunk-Tips. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Social Play (2)

Adult males G7 and gm0016 are engaged in a long Sparring match. This clip includes a section of it in which they engage in Trunk-Twining. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Social Play (3)

Adult males G7 and gm0045 engage in a Sparring match. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Social Play (4)

Three calves are playing together. In the foreground is a 4.5 year old female (right) and a 2 year old male (left). They stand face to face and Trunk-Twine. The male then Touch-Self as the female stands in a with a Periscope-Trunk expectant pose waiting for him to re-engage. He does and they stand in a Reciprocal-Open-Mouth as they gently Spar. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Social Play (5)

Two male calves about 18 months old are engaged in a bout of Sparring. They stand together Trunk-Twining and then the male on the right begins to Push the male on the left, who Orients-Away. The male then Mounts him. The male on the left begins to walk causing the mounted male to lose his balance and dismount. They face one another and Trunk-Twine again. Notice the fresh Temporin on the male on the left. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Coalition Building (1)

An End-Zone-Dance is a form of Bonding-Ceremony that takes place after a defensive action. This End-Zone-Dance took place after multiple Group-Advances and multiple Group- and sustained Charges by members of the Mabenzi family. After Valente's almost two minute Charge which was joined by the entire family, Valente and Mwana Nzo High-Five and others all gather in an End-Zone-Dance.

The main players - Valente and Mwana-Nzo - Rumble with Open-Mouth, while they display Rapid-Ear-Flapping, Head-Raising, Tail-Raising, and Defecating. They reach their trunks to one another's mouth, Trunk-to-Mouth, and then display Trunk-Twining, Open-Mouth-to-Open-Mouth Intermittently there are Social-Trumpets. Then Mwana Nzo initiates another Group Advance. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)