Context: Calf Nourishment & Weaning (1)Selengei's 6 year male calf walks along side of her in a Solicit-Suckling posture and gives a Begging-Rumble. As this clip starts she has stopped and he is Suckling. He decides to try his luck on the other side. On his way around behind her he stops to pinch her genitals - Pinch-Genitals - as if to let her know he wants more. He has learned a lot of tricks by this age!
After his pinch he gives a Begging-Rumble and Suckles while she browses. Then she begins to walk and he again walks along side of her in a Solicit-Suckling posture, his trunk outstretched, and gives another Begging-Rumble. She continues to walk and he gives a third Begging-Rumble. She stops and adopts a Suckling-Stance and he Suckles.
We can hear Maasai livestock in the background and she is eager to move on. Selengei interrupts his Suckling and he gives a Grumble-Rumble in a more complaining tone. She continues to walk. In this series of calls we can hear the subtle shift from polite Begging-Rumble to more complaining Grumble-Rumble - it is not easy to draw a clear line between the two. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)