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New York Times: "What Has Four Legs, a Trunk and a Behavioral Database?"

New York Times: "What Has Four Legs, a Trunk and a Behavioral Database?"
New York Times: "What Has Four Legs, a Trunk and a Behavioral Database?"
File Size:
3.08 MB
07 July 2021
1535 x

"What Has Four Legs, a Trunk and a Behavioral Database? From tens of thousands of hours of observation, scientists have compiled a detailed library of African elephant behavior."
Article in the New York Times online (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/04/science/african-elephants-ethogram-behavior-poole.html) on 4 June 2021, published in the Science Section in the printed edition on 8 June 2021. By Natalie Angier. 

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