
Moving at a fast amble, or ‘run’ after another elephant. Elephants may Run-After one another in Aggressive, Social Play and Courtship contexts. The appearance of head, ears and tails differ in the different contexts. In an Aggressive context all age/sex groups except infants may be observed to Run-After; in a Social Play context all age/sex groups, though typically younger individuals and more often male may be observed to Run-After; in a Courtship context an adult male may Run-After an estrous female.

References: Poole 1982; Lee 1986; Poole 1987a; Poole 1989a; Poole & Granli 2003; Poole & Granli 2004; Poole & Granli 2011. (Full reference list)

This behavior occurs in the following context(s): Aggressive, Calf Reassurance & Protection, Courtship, Social Play