
At the end of a Run-After or a Charge when the attacker slows his or her pursuit, he or she may extend the trunk upward and outward toward the opponent or threat. This is a common display following a Run-After by a high-ranking male toward lower ranking male, often in association with an estrous female; a signal of triumph, as in ‘I’ve seen him off!’ It is also used by males during Dueling when males rush together, but stop short of Ramming one another.

Reaching-High is also a common behavior following a Charge, Bow-Neck-Charge or Group-Charge by an adult female. All age/sex groups except infants may engage in Reaching-High in an Aggressive context; in an Attacking & Mobbing context it tends to be observed in adults of both sexes.

References: Jainudeen et al 1972; Poole 1987b; Poole 1987c; Poole & Granli 2003; Poole & Granli 2011; Kahl & Armstrong 2000 [also includes Trunk-Blocking & Trunk-Out-Stretched]. (Full reference list)

This behavior occurs in the following context(s): Aggressive, Attacking & Mobbing, Coalition Building