
An elephant (typically male) succeeding in placing his forelegs on the back of another elephant. Mounting occurs in Courtship and Playful contexts. Mounting of an estrous female may be successful (intromission and ejaculation occur) or unsuccessful. A successful Mounting is termed a Mating and largely depends on the female Standing-to-Mate rather than moving forward.

Mounting during Social Play is commonly observed. Among infants and calves males may Mount other female or male infants or calves. Often calves lie down in a heap while others (males) Climb-Upon them in behavior akin to Mounting. Among juveniles, adolescents and young adults, males typically Mount other males. The penis is sometimes rubbed rapidly, using its own muscle-power, up and down between the other male's back legs. Ejaculation sometimes occurs. Adolescent females have been observed attempting to Mount the calves they are allomothering. In addition, elephants are observed to Mount dead elephants, possibly in an attempt to rouse them (see Mount-Body). Mounting in all except the allomothering context appears to be a male activity and the Mounting individual typically has an erection.

References: Douglas-Hamilton 1972: 122, 125 photo; Poole 1982: 175, 182, illustration 7.1; Moss 1983; Moss 1988; Lee 1986; Poole 1989b; Poole 1996: 98, illustration; Payne 1998 83; Poole & Granli 2003; Poole & Granli 2004; Poole 2011. (Full reference list)

This behavior occurs in the following context(s): Birth, Calf Reassurance & Protection, Courtship, Social Play


Context: Social Play (1)

Two calves, a one year old male and a 6 month old female from the C family are playing. The male Mounts the female who falls over. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Social Play (2)

In slo-mo: In view are four youngsters from the C family: a one tusk female about 10 (left) a 5 year old female (right) and two infants, gf0080 female under a year and a 1 year old male. The 1 year old male attempts to Play-Reach-over gf0080’s 6-month calf and she runs off; he tries again, bumping into her, and she continues to move away. Then, he manages to Mount her. He is immediately stopped by an Allomother-Intervention by the 5 year old female who sees him off and touches the younger calf Trunk-to-Body as if to reassure. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Social Play (3)

We are with the Mabenzi family; adults are feeding and calves are playing. In the background we see a male calf Mounting a female calf. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Social Play (4)

Three calves all under 2 years old are at play. A male (back left) reaches his trunk over (Reach-Over) the calf closest to the camera, but this male moves away and the male, with a Full-Erection Mounts the other calf instead. As the calf in the foreground contemplates the situation he Head-Waggles. The Mounted female walks away and the the Mounting male walks with her until he falls off. Meanwhile, the male in the foreground Orients-Toward the first male and Mounts him. Notice the fresh Temporin on two of the calves. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Social Play (5)

Two 18 month old male calves are playing. One has fresh Temporin. The male on the right is Mounting the male on the left - from the side. The male on the left Orients-Toward him and Pushes him off and away. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Social Play (6)

Two 1 year old male and female calves are gently Sparring together. The male calf, who is Pat Derby's, Reaches-Over the female. The female walks a few steps and then stops, whereupon the male attempts a Mounting. She begins to walk again and he totters along while still Mounted until he disappears off frame. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Social Play (7)

Two calves are at play. A younger male calf stretches his trunk up the back of an older female calf in an attempted Reach-Over and tries to Mount her. She steps forward. The male Pushes her and she Runs-Away, while he Runs-After her. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Social Play (8)

Big mama's family is slowly Moving-While-Feeding. There is a commotion in the back of the group where an 18 month old male is Mounting another male the wrong way around! He has Mounted his head, clasping both ears in his forelegs. The mounted calf give a Grumble-Rumble in protest. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Social Play (9)

Two playful calves come out of the bushes. The smaller male behind lays his trunk on the larger male's rump in an attempted reach-Over as the larger male begins to walk away. When the larger male comes to a halt in some bushes, the smaller male rears up and Mounts him. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Social Play (10)

Two male calves about 18 months old are engaged in a bout of Sparring. They stand together Trunk-Twining and then the male on the right begins to Push the male on the left, who Orients-Away. The male then Mounts him. The male on the left begins to walk causing the mounted male to lose his balance and dismount. They face one another and Trunk-Twine again. Notice the fresh Temporin on the male on the left. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Social Play (11)

Two young males - one about 4 yrs and the other about 16 yrs. They stand head-to-head in an apparently "cozy" scene, but the larger male is is Pushing - as if Driving and putting his tusks over the smaller one in what looks like a Reach-Over. The little one reaches Trunk-to-Mouth to the larger one. Then the older male begins Driving, reaches Trunk-to-Genitals, Reaches-Over, and then Mounts the younger male. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Social Play (12)

Young males playing in the water Mount one another. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Social Play (13)

Young males are playing in a deep pool. The larger one is mostly Submerged and allows a younger male to Reach-Over and then Mount him. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Social Play (14)

Juveniles are playing in a waterhole in a big pile. One juvenile male Mounts another. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Social Play (15)

These males have been Sparring and Mounting one another for around 15 minutes or so. In this clip one male Mounts another while the Mounted male Spars with a third male. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Social Play (16)

These two males have been Sparring with one another and the larger of them Mounting the smaller for around 15 minutes or so. In this clip at the end of another Sparring match the same male Mounts the smaller male again.

Although we cannot see him ejaculate, after he dismounts he Follows the smaller male and sniffs him between his legs (Trunk-to-Genitals) where he is wet from the other male's semen. The younger male is very patient during this ''practice makes perfect'' game and doesn't try to move away. (Amboseli, Kenya)