
Lifting and holding the trunk up in an S-shape, similar to Periscope-Trunk, but with upper bend of the trunk resting against the elephant’s forehead. Circus-Pose appears to be an anticipatory gesture - an elephant waiting for something he or she expects to happen. We have also observed Lorato, an individual adolescent female in Maasai Mara, Kenya, adopt this posture repetitively as an idiosyncratic behavior.

References: Poole & Granli 2021. (Full reference list)

This behavior occurs in the following context(s): Aggressive, Attentive, Novel & Idiosyncratic, Social Play


Context: Novel & Idiosyncratic (1)

Little E is two days old and allomother Lorato Backs-Toward the others to form a tight group. Then she adopts her idiosyncratic Circus-Pose. She seems to do it when she is Waiting or Resting, in this case Waiting for Little E to come closer. Audio ruined by wind. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Novel & Idiosyncratic (2)

Little E is two days old. The family is standing in a tight group Resting. Allomother Lorato again adopts her idiosyncratic Circus-Pose. Audio ruined by wind. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Novel & Idiosyncratic (3)

Little E is three days old and is with his mother and allomother, Lorato. His mother is browsing, but Lorato again adopts her idiosyncratic Circus-Pose. As Little E trundles toward her, she abruptly turns 90 degrees in a movement designed to attract Little E's attention. It works. He follows her and she puts her trunk down to touch him. Audio ruined by wind. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Novel & Idiosyncratic (4)

Little E is four days old and is with his mother and allomother, Lorato. His mother is browsing, while Little E sleeps. Lorato stands nearby dozing while in her idiosyncratic Circus-Pose again. She seems to adopt this position when Waiting for the opportunity to engage with Little E or Resting. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Novel & Idiosyncratic (5)

Little E is four days old and is with his mother and allomother, Lorato. Mama Little E leads the way and stops to browse on a bush. Notice how Lorato follows Mama Little E and then comes to an abrupt halt and adopts her Circus-Pose as she Waits. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Novel & Idiosyncratic (6)

Little E is two weeks old and is with allomother, Lorato. She engages in two of her idiosyncratic behaviors at once. First she climbs on a Croton bush (Stand-Over-Bush) and then she adopts a Circus-Pose. We have shortened this rather long posture but she pays attention to the location of Little E. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)