
Grasping a clump of grass with the trunk and sweeping it up and against the ridges on the underside of the trunk to remove the soil clinging to its roots. Alternatively, holding the clump  in the trunk  and sweeping is against the chest, between the fore-legs. We are not sure what age this technique is acquired.

References: Poole & Granli 2021. (Full reference list)

This behavior occurs in the following context(s): Foraging & Comfort Technique


Context: Foraging & Comfort Technique (1)

Pascal is feeding on grass. Notice how he uses his trunk to remove dust and dirt from the roots - sweeping his trunk and the clump of grass against the ridges on the underside of his trunk and against his body. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Foraging & Comfort Technique (2)

A group of elephants is feeding on grass. Notice how they use their trunks to remove dust and dirt from the roots - sweeping their trunk and the clump of grass against the ridges on the underside of his trunk and against their bodies. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Foraging & Comfort Technique (3)

Elephants are feeding on grass using the Rip-Grass and Grasp-Kick-Grass methods combined with Sweep-off-Dirt. Notice in the close up how one of the adult females grasps the grass and then kicks it with her foot to uproot the clump and then uses a Sweep-off-Dirt technique before ingesting it. This is a very commonly used technique in Amboseli, though more often in the dry season when feeding on Sporobolus spicatus. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Foraging & Comfort Technique (4)

Elephants are feeding on grass using the Rip-Grass and Grasp-Kick-Grass methods combined with Sweep-off-Dirt. Notice the adult female on the left kicks with her foot to uproot a clump and then uses a Sweep-off-Dirt technique before ingesting it. This is a very commonly used technique in Amboseli, though more often in the dry season when feeding on Sporobolus spicatus. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Foraging & Comfort Technique (5)

A young male uses a Sweep-off-Dirt technique before ingesting trunkfuls of grass. This is a very commonly used technique in Amboseli when feeding on Sporobolus spicatus. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Foraging & Comfort Technique (6)

An adult female uses a Sweep-off-Dirt technique before ingesting trunkfuls of grass. This is a very commonly used technique in Amboseli when feeding on Sporobolus spicatus. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Foraging & Comfort Technique (7)

A family group uses a Sweep-off-Dirt technique before ingesting trunkfuls of grass. This is a very commonly used technique in Amboseli when feeding on Sporobolus spicatus. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Foraging & Comfort Technique (8)

An adult male collects several trunkfuls of grass and then uses a Sweep-off-Dirt technique before placing it in his mouth and repeating. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Foraging & Comfort Technique (9)

X004 in musth uproots a trunkful of grass and swishes or sweeps the clump against his body and thumps it on the ground to remove some of the dirt before placing it in his mouth. (Amboseli, Kenya)