
Using the trunk to point toward or sniff toward an individual, object or scent of interest. The trunk is held relatively straight and pointed in the direction of the object of interest. While the assumption has been that this behavior indicates that the individual is sniffing, we changed the term from Sniff-Toward to Trunk-Toward, because we believe that the behavior may, sometimes, serve a visual signalling function, as in drawing the attention of others to an individual or object of interest. All age/sex groups engage in Trunk-Toward.

References: Rasmussen & Schulte 1998; Poole 1999a; Poole & Granli 2003; Poole & Granli 2011 [Sniff-Toward/Hovering-Sniff]. (Full reference list)

This behavior occurs in the following context(s): Advertisement & Attraction, Attentive, Birth, Calf Reassurance & Protection, Conflict & Confrontation, Submissive, Vigilance


Context: Attentive (1)

A family group is walking past the filmmakers vehicle. A calf and a juvenile are curious and reach their Trunks-Toward something of interest, which may be the vehicles' occupants. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Attentive (2)

As elephants walk past the filmmakers vehicle, the Trunk-Toward by two elephants indicates that they are aware of our presence outside the vehicle. We were sitting on the ground. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Attentive (3)

f0256 reaches her Trunk-Toward the filmmakers and then comes up close and studies them with her eyes open. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Attentive (4)

A medium sized male is interested in us or what is in our car and reaches his Trunk-Toward us. (Amboseli, Kenya)