Screenshot from The Elephant Ethogram

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Dear ElephantVoices friend,

The Elephant Ethogram: A Library of African Elephant Behavior is live! We are very excited with the results of this massive, multi-year effort and hope to entice you with our science-telling. There are close to 2,400 educational video clips currently uploaded, each associated with detailed descriptions and stories. In addition, you will find more than 600 field recordings, spectrograms and imagesThe Elephant Ethogram is a culmination of Joyce's life’s work and it feels very satisfying to be able to share it with the world through the organization we founded together almost 20 years ago.

We officially launched The Elephant Ethogram on 25th May. Read National Geographic's interview with Joyce linked here. Forbes covered the launch with this article - and more media coverage will follow during the days to come. Going forward our ambition is to ensure The Elephant Ethogram will be an important resource used long-term in the best interests of both wild and captive elephants.

The Introduction page will give you some basic information about The Elephant Ethogram. The User Guide will help you find your way, with the Search Portal being the place for all kinds of searches. The Science section is for those especially interested